"Wendy is one of the most eloquent passionate and genuine speakers that you will come across. Speaking from her heart, she sparks the fire in others. She has the ability to lift the spirit of those who hear her and have them want to fulfill their potential. What a gift! I feel very fortunate that Wendy spends some of her time with us on the 'Be the best you can be' school's project"
Dr David Hemery CBE. Olympic Gold Medalist.

How did it all start? With a bang literally, a motorbike accident, spinal injury and 8 months in hospital being told I would probably never walk again. Good job my head had other ideas and I paid little attention to the beliefs of others. I walked out of hospital on crutches and have spent the past 33 years developing a deep understanding of how my mind and body functions.
What have I learnt through this experience? That the mind and body are more powerful than we are taught to believe and when you tap back into this source, anything is possible.


Books By Wendy Smith

50 Ways To ChangeÂ
50 Ways To Change is a collaboration of all my favourite personal development tips and knowledge that I have accumulated over the past 30 years. This book is for those people interested in personal development and want to know how to get more out of life using the most powerful super computer on the planet... your mind. This is not just an informational book, it is a 'how to' guide for improving your life step by step. The first part of the book gives the reader an insight into themselves and takes them through some of the most powerful aspects of awareness and learning that have proved to be instrumental in my own development and have helped me overcome many life challenges. The second part of the book is the practical guide which is full of exercises to put this all into practice and begin to create whatever it is that you want more of.

Wheel Chair Basketball Guide
Quick fix guide for beginners to Wheelchair Basketball. This book is full of vital information for those beginning in the sport or wanting to know the basics to gain a deeper understanding. For players, parents, spectators or those just wanting an insight into one of the fastest growing sports globally.

7 Days To Change
Self awareness is the key to all change. So many people spend their life going round in loops wanting to create change in their life and then find themselves constantly back at square one. This guide is a quick walk through the processes that got you to be who you are now and how to pull them apart and create the life experience you actually want. Life is an autopilot experience by design, do you want to just sit in the back seat and let life pull you along or do you want to grab the steering wheel and start driving yourself? This book should help you start living life on purpose not autopilot.